Ir5S1IDID8ntz3CTfc4LEVhlmt9Wl3 La Vida Buena: Makes me proud

Monday, April 22, 2013

Makes me proud

My dear son makes me so proud. Not only is he home all day with 3 girls, but he really steps up as a big brother. He is always watching out for the 2 year old Cecilia. He is always there even telling his big sister not to do things that are dangerous. Now he sits with open arms day and night wanting to hold Adela. He begged me to pump just so he could give her a bottle. It was so sweet and he was so proud! I'm so glad I have just the one boy, there is something special about a son that I can not even explain. He won my heart in his own way. I try my best to raise a strong confident boy but time will only tell.

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