Ir5S1IDID8ntz3CTfc4LEVhlmt9Wl3 La Vida Buena: My Good Morning Promise

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Good Morning Promise

My typical morning,
5:30-Hop outta bed to either the husband in the shower or a baby awake,
5:40- Change diaper, make sure coffee was programmed the night before and is brewing
5:50-start breakfast for my husband, usually a healthy smoothie, vegi omelet, something good.
6:15 - kiss him goodbye and indulge in a HOT CUP OF COFFEE.

I usually don't put anything healthy or substantial in my belly until well after 11. Once my husband leaves i start breakfast for the kids. After school drop off i start cooking dinner and cleaning, and feeding the baby, and laundry. There is just so much going on for me, i never take time FOR ME to eat. So.....WE GOT A JUICER!

My new morning promise is to have a cup of fresh veggi/fruit juice before i take a sip of coffee. I am loving it! Its crazy how much fruit and veggi is actually needed to make a decent cups worth. But I figure its a good way to wake up my body

I am loving trying all the combos. Lets see, this am I did 1 pear, 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 big chunk of cucumber and 1 celery. It was heaven. I also have been trying to eat more salads, and overall have a healthy diet. My next problem is to drink more water. I am a horrible water drinking, i know, so easy to do, but i just don't do it.

So are you a juicer? ( i feel like its a cult!) Share your favorite juice drinks! I will try them all. I really wanna try one with fresh ginger! YUM!

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